Your privacy is important to us. We will never sell your data. We will not provide your data to any outside party without your specific acknowledgment and consent. You have the right to manage the information stored in the UGA-SLIG registration system at any time.
The Utah Genealogical Association (UGA) privacy policy may be found here. The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) and the Summit of Excellence, entities of UGA, abide by the policy referenced above. Additionally, due to the nature of our programs and the necessity to obtain separate registration data, we clarify the following:
UGA-SLIG Registration Account: The information stored in this account will include your personal contact details such as name, badge and certificate name, address, email, and phone. Additionally, it will store information about the programs for which you register, along with related selections, special requests, and transactions. No credit card information is gathered; all transactions are facilitated through PayPal or Square; participants may also mail in a check.
In order to facilitate management and processing, your account and program registration information may be accessed by the UGA and SLIG registration teams, SLIG director, UGA Conference Chair, UGA Administrator, and registration program developer. Additional use of your information is outlined below.
Registration for any program implies the following permissions are granted:
- To contact you as needed concerning your account, program registration, and the related events or options for which you are registered.
- To provide your name, email address, city/state/country, and phone number if necessary, to the course or program coordinator or facilitator for educational management, and to individuals or entities responsible for responding to special requests.
- If registered for a virtual course, to provide full contact information to the technical coordinator for potential emergency use.
- To include your name, email address, and city/state/country on a printed or digital list of students in an educational offering, such as a course or workshop, for which you are registered; last-minute changes to your enrollment may result in being included in more than one list.
- If special services are requested, to provide information to committee members, facility, and suppliers as needed to support those requests.
Programs – Opt-in permission will be required to:
- Be included on a list of all program participants, or in any app used for networking or event facilitation purposes.
- Receive communication from organizations hosting events related to the program for which you have registered (see ”Official and Unofficial Events”).
- SLIG attendees will be added to the monthly SLIG e-news list if you live in the United States. Others must opt-in to have your name and email included.
- UGA Summit of Excellence attendees will be added to the monthly UGA e-news list if you live in the United States. Others must opt-in to have your name and email included.
- If your name was previously included on either list as the result of prior attendance or other inclusion, you may opt-out by following the instructions provided both in account set-up and at the bottom of all email newsletters.
SLIG Lodging Reservations:
- SLIG lodging will be managed by Passkey, a lodging reservation program with access provided by Hilton, which will collect from you contact information, special requests, and lodging preferences. Passkey is not linked to, nor can it exhange information with, the UGA membership module or the UGA-SLIG Registration module.
- Information about your reservation may be accessed by the SLIG registration team, hospitality committee, and director, as required to ensure fulfillment of lodging requests.
General Photography: The UGA Summit of Excellence and SLIG reserve the right to photograph participants in the classroom and at events for promotional purposes, and to publish said photographs in any format - digital or print - during or following the program without payment of compensation. Also, in some events your image may be inadvertently included in photos and social media posts by other participants. It is your responsibility to notify the photographer if you do not wish to be included.
Recordings: Virtual events may be recorded and made available to view following the program. Your participation may be captured as part of the recording. Chat threads may be saved for personal use only; they may not be distributed or shared.
Official and Unofficial Events: The UGA Summit of Excellence and SLIG may offer program-related opportunities for networking, learning, and researching. We additionally receive requests from other organizations to host functions for our participants.
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Please read our policies carefully, because they affect your right to fully participate in SLIG, UGA Summit of Excellence, or affiliated events. Moreover, during the registration process, participants will be required to provide written agreement to abide by this policy. To that end, we establish the following:
Respect: These programs serve, contract with, and interact with a diverse community, and it has always been our policy to provide a learning environment that is free of conflict, intimidation, and discrimination. All who participate must be treated with dignity and respect. We have delineated this policy in writing because even a single, isolated occurrence is unacceptable.
We will not tolerate discrimination or disrespect of any kind on the basis of economic status, sex, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, illness or ability, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, religion, creed, or political affiliation or opinion. All are encouraged to use these same guidelines to temper the right to freedom of expression with common sense and courtesy.
We are committed to fostering a neutral, academic environment in which participants can learn and grow. Therefore comments and actions that contravene this anti-discrimination policy should be reported to the office of the Director or Conference Chair, and will be addressed. The penalty for a violation could include dismissal from an event or program, as well as forfeiture of unused tuition.
Copyright: All materials, including the syllabus, handouts, and presentation slides, are protected by copyright. Presentations should not be recorded nor slides photographed. Such materials are distributed for your personal use and are not to be shared or copied without written permission of the author. A photograph of the presenter with a title slide may be appropriate for social media posts, but should only be taken with the express consent of the presenter. For virtual programs, the words "screenshot" and "screen capture" should be considered synonymous with "photograph" and "recording."
Electronic Courtesy: It is important to avoid disruption caused by the use of electronic devices in public settings. Sound on laptops and other personal devices used for note-taking or labs should be muted. Phones and pagers should be set to vibrate or off. Committee members and designated assistants who use electronics for logistical facilitation and communication should re-direct sound to an earpiece if audible notification is required to ensure prompt service. Anyone who needs to place or receive a call should do so outside the room.
Publication Consent: Participation in any of the door prize drawings, contests, social media posts, or scholarship applications implies consent to the publication of your name, city/state, and photograph in related announcements. The privacy policy delineates your rights to control your information.
Social Media: We encourage the use of blogs and social media to share your experiences. A list of authorized hashtags will be provided with syllabus materials. Please exercise common courtesy and respect, including but not limited to—giving credit where due, requesting permission when needed, adhering to copyright law and usage guidelines, and citing or linking to sources.
Attendance at Functions: Tuition or registration fees cover the costs of educational and other services for each participant. Guests are not permitted to attend without express invitation. Guest tickets may be available for specific functions.
Acknowledgment of this policy, and agreement to abide by it, will be required in order to register for any program.